PR campaigning and holidays
So I have been working on a PR campaign for a release of a new product. The product is going to be released the weekend before the 4th of July. Naturally we want the release of our product to be successful and thus are planning an event to celebrate and get the community involved. Should we plan this event to be June 30th (the weekend before the 4th of July) or do you think the event would have better response and involvement within the community by holding it the weekend before (around June 24th)? Any response would be great. The real question is when do you and your friends/family celebrate the 4th of July?
That's a tough question. I suppose that it really hinges on three main points: audience, product, and duration of the event. Without knowing this, my two cents is likely only worth a farthing, and that’s if I'm lucky. Worthless though it may be, here it is:
If your event/product is something that can be used with/during 4th of July festivities, I'd do it the weekend of the 30th so that people will seek it out as as they gather their 'supplies' for the holiday. People are usually willing to participate in something/buy things prior to a major holiday.
It would seem that the anticipation of a big holiday is more than our little human brains can take and our excitement inevitably spills over into other things. (In contrast, after the holiday is over, we become lethargic (a common byproduct of consuming seven bratwursts, two tubs of Aunt Delores’s potato salad and a years supply of orange soda) and hesitate to do anything that involves more breathing, sleeping and, yes, more eating.)
To move it a week earlier would be to risk missing the chance to cash in on the 'pre-holiday fever.'
Of course, on the downside, people might wish to 'save up' all of their energy for one big hurrah on the 4th, but that would require self control and personal responsibility and hey, this is 2006, “we don't need no stinkin’ responsibility!”
Ben, at 9:43 AM
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